Jumat, 22 November 2013

sangat halus dan pengertian, terimakasih ya *ketjup basah*

what did you said this afternoon
thank you so much dude
you made me realized that ..
actually , oh no i often to did something or somehow who fucked wrong
when i do the dumby and foolish thing on the public
my attitude, my chatter, my babbling, the way i look other
and now i know that it was totally wrong on your eyes when i do that
deliberately with the things that are not on purpose
sengaja dengan sesuatu yang tidak di sengaja
tidak disengaja dengan sesuatu yang memang itdak di sengaja
and iam on the second option

thankyou loh ya for tell me with your way
thats made me know the meaning of it

actually i really knows bout the things what you said, i know what you wanna tells me or other
kemana arah kamu mau ngomong, walaupun sebenernya kamu gak ada maksud bilang kaya gitu sih
tapi dengan contoh kek gitu, ya aku sadar ha ha ha
bicara dengan contoh yang lain itu.... lebih halus loh...lebih tidak menyakiti perasaan orang lain
nah anak psikologi harus tahu caranya, ceileh

whatever you said, i'll appreciate it
walaupun mungkin tetep dna gak berubah sih
tapi setidak tidaknya masih di apresiasi
makasi baaa :D

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